critical damping

英 [ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈdæmpɪŋ] 美 [ˈkrɪtɪkl ˈdæmpɪŋ]




  1. Based on description method of damping motion in mechanical vibration, variables movement of generator are divided into two basic motion models: damping oscillation and critical damping motion.
  2. The concepts of optimal normal pressure and critical damping characteristics between contact interfaces with dry friction damper are derived from a set of response amplitude versus frequencies under different friction damping values.
  3. An Analysis of the Vibrator in the Critical Damping States
  4. We show that there is a critical value for the damping constant, above which the minimal switching field is the same as that of the SW-limit, for a given magnetic anisotropy.
  5. Determining Critical Velocity of Structure Flutter with Characteristics of Dynamical Damping
  6. The report of cutting dynamics research: ⅱ. cutting critical stability and its forecasting, measurement of cutting damping coefficient
  7. The dynamic characters ( natural frequencies and critical damping ratio) are also given by experimental research. It is shown that the analytical results are reliable and the rigid model is a feasible method for the pulsed reactor core structure-like.
  8. Critical Behavior of Plasmon Damping Rate in Thermal Scalar Field
  9. In the spark, operating under the critical damping state, with flash time at about 2 X 10-6 Sec., the ion lines of higher excitation potential first appear and appear shortly.
  10. Four parameter-tuning methods of PID controllers, i. e. critical proportional method ( Z-N method), Damping oscillatory method, robust PID Parameter Tuning method and ISTE optimal Parameter Tuning method are studied comparatively.
  11. In order to realize the critical damping design and further enhance the output performance of a high-g accelerometer, effects of the width of damping gap, the characteristics of damping medium and the temperature of damping medium on shock response of component were studied with ANSYS technology.
  12. Through the analyses of mathematics and mechanics this paper obtained a relationship between the uniformity coefficient AC of critical movement and the damping ratio ξ of motion system while the rotating parts revolve at low speed.
  13. Estimation and Experimental Research of Critical Speed and Damping Ratio of a Rotor
  14. Critical Damping of the Second-Order Pendulum-Like Systems
  15. The Energy Analysis of Critical Damping Characteristics of a Linear Oscillator
  16. On the base of the results of other researchers, the author of this paper emphasise on the stabilization of nonlinear system of the critical state and the stabilization of nonlinear system with constraint damping.
  17. This paper presents a concept of system damping ratio matrix and modal damping ratio matrix based on the critical damping matrix, extending the concept of damping ratio to the MDOF system from SDOF system.
  18. Description of the X-t curve of the one dimension oscillator in the overdamping and critical damping states using microcomputer
  19. Estimation of Critical Speed and Damping Ratio of a Rotor and Prediction of the Rotor Response at Critical Speed
  20. This article analyses its irregular attenuated movement in the condition of over damping and critical damping.
  21. We show that there is thermal instability above a critical temperature T c. The effective mass and damping rate are proportional to gT and gT respectively.
  22. The applications of regional analytical theory to the calculation for critical value of damping resistor
  23. Based on the prototype, the load case of the shimmy is analyzed, and then the shimmy stability curve of critical shimmy velocity versus damping is gotten, which will be contrasted with the result gotten from the analysis with the software shimmy view to make the conclusion.
  24. Based on the dimensionless, stick-slip equation was simplified, deduced critical damping and critical damping ratio while the stick-slip vibration occurs, verified the rationality of the method that raise the rotation speed to cure stick-slip vibration.
  25. Next, we use the Melnikov method to analyze the capsizing behavior of a biased ship. Given a bias value, we utilize the stochastic Melnikov mean square value analysis to obtain the critical wave exciting moment values corresponding to various damping values.
  26. The mathematical model and the solution of the rotor-bearing problem of FESS are researched with Lagrange equation. The effect of damping on critical speed and damping ratio is studied with the model.
  27. The general solutions for the free vibration of underdamping, critical damping, overdamping of cylindrical laminates was simply given in terms of the linear damp vibration theory.
  28. Taking initial stress, critical aerodynamic pressure and viscid-elastic damping as bifurcation parameter, the bifurcation process of the aeroelastic system and the route to chaos were studied.
  29. While it moves quickly, filter stops. Furthermore, the critical damping is applied to avoiding jump while entering the quick state. 2.